The one thing that really does slow time.

Just as most of us do, I find myself shaking my head, asking where summer went. Of course I know, time is the same for all of us. I am aware that much of my ‘down’ time actually was spent running around and doing a lot for others. So right now I have a real jones for some quality time with a book on a beach. At the moment that seems elusive. Ergo my shaking head.

So how does one slow time down, scientists have actually studied this and they say it’s by trying new things , because time passes faster when we are in a set routine. Makes sense. Trying new things is exciting, and also scary, giving us the sense that time is different.

In my humble opinion I think it’s by making the everyday special. Not in an elaborate way, but in the small ways. How do you do that? That would be very different for all of us, but for me it’s as simple as getting fresh tomatoes at one of my local farmers markets. Heading to my local brewery on Sundays for some live music. Going for a walk in my neighborhood at night when the sunset is beautiful. Have a margarita on the front porch on a Monday, because why not?

I guess the goal for myself, and maybe you as well, should be to not just coast through life. Do different things as often as you can. Learn something new. Try something new. Go somewhere new. Push yourself.

S T R E T C H.

Since the most precious thing any of us has is time...shouldn't we make that our goal?


Only the things you really love.


Wabi Sabi in the City